Tuesday, 20 December 2011

I love Man O Wars

Still cant get over how good these guys are. I was nearly not going to buy the battle box cause I thought they were pox. I now have all 3 types and am working on getting all the solos as well.

Anyway another quick update

Forgot the pic. Here tis.
Left the shoulder pads at home so they will get done next trip out here.

Saturday, 17 December 2011

A Quick Update

The bodies of the MOW are near done. A few bits to clean up and some battle damage (which may have to wait) . They look a little drab at the moment so I will put a splash of red in there somewhere as well. Next is finish weapon and shields which just need a bit more highlighting. Also the cod pieces need t be glued on as well..

More soon

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Cancon here I come

Been awhile since an update but I have been slowly progressing My Khador army for both Cancon and the BBBB. I have had a bit of success with Sorscha of late wining 8 of my last 10 games. Its a one hit wonder but so far the caster snipe is working for me.

Along with my new found respect for Sorscha is a growing respect for the resiliance of the MOW's so I went out and bought Drahken and added him to my army as well. I now have enough bits to field all 3 types of MOW units as well as 2 solos.

Anyway I decide to go to Cancon next year.

What is Cancon?

Cancon is a game convention runs in Australia’s capital City “Canberra” organised by the Canberra Games Society, it’s been around for ever!

I usually go to Dogcon in Sydney (Well Ive been twice) but the last couple of years the numbers have been down and Cancon is currently the premier event. It runs Friday 27th – Sunday 29th - This is the Australia Day weekend.

There are two events during the weekend for Warmachine/Hordes

25 Point Highlander – One day event

50 Point Steamroller – One Day event

In order to keep my painting time down I will be taking a core army for both events

Highlander list will be as follows.
  Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff                       5
      Juggernaut                                    7
      Destroyer                                     9
  Man-o-War Shocktroopers (Leader and 4 troops)     9
  Man-o-War Drakhun (+Dismount)                     5
  Points:                                       25/25

Steam roller as follows
  Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff                       5
      Torch                                        11
      Juggernaut                                    7
      Destroyer                                     9
  War Dog                                           1
  Battle Mechaniks (Leader and 5)                   3
  Man-o-War Shocktroopers (Leader and 4)            9
  Man-o-War Drakhun (+Dismount)                     5
  Winter Guard Infantry (Leader and 9)              6
      Winter Guard Infantry Officer and Std Bearer  2
  Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich                          2
  Points:                                       50/50

Not sure about the points for this as I thought it was 3 points for 4 mechs but seems I get 6 for 3 points online.
So I have alot of minis to paint still.

Base colors for the Man O war unit. I was originally going to magnetise the weapons but now I can field all 3 types.
Wips of the shield. The colors dont really show up well with this camera. Maybe I need a better light source.

This is the unmounted Drahkun. Picture is bad but the base color is Khaki and grey.

This is Drahkuns horse. Still have the head to go and also put him on the bigger base. I havent really decided on basing yet but it will be some sort of urbin base job.

Hopefully more to come this weeks

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Big Battle Box Bash PLOG

So this will be where my painting blog (plog) will be for the BBBB. Ive been playing wargames for about 15 years and warmachine for about 18 months now since warhammer went 8th edition and pretty much killed my love for that game.

I have a troll army and a Cryx army but they are just a little subtle for my style of play (Run up and hit things)

So when the new duel battle box came out I had to buy it. In fact I bought two and have plans of using them the be the bases for my new Khador army. I sold the other bits of to my son and ado who will be using them to base there new BBBB armies on.

So What I will be stating with is Sorcha and the Juggernaut and the destroyer. To round out my first 15 points I will buy Yuri the Ax.

Once these are done I will finish the unit of man o wars and  then perhaps the MOW solo to bring it up to 25 points.

After that I will be using the other two Jack chasis to build torch and the other will be a multi jack or maybe even a heavy conversion to make the beast. In fact I will probably magnetise the first 3 jacks so I can swap out the weapons.

With the other unit of MOW I intend to buy the arms to make the other types of MOW units.

OK so down to paint and schemes. Im a big fan of themed armies. If you want to see some of my other works check out theogrestronghold. I have a painting log there under ogrebane.

So my theme for these guys will be WWII russian. Olive green with lots of battle damage.

First pics will be up as soon as I work out how to post them.
This is the base color and here is the next one is the base mostly done before detailing

Big Battle Box Bash

Warmachine and Hordes
Battle Box Bash!
The B.B.B. is an escalation campaign using Warmachine and Hordes Battle Boxes as a starting point.
The rules are designed for a fun campaign rather than serious tournament style play.
Your army must use the official battle box (or equivalent) for your faction. A few unofficial battle boxes for Minions and Mercenary and Retribution have been created but not sold by PP and these can also be used. Please contact me if you unsure what is in you battle box force.
Because points for the various Battle Boxes can vary from 8 to 13 points in order to start from the same level please add models to your battle box to have a 15 point army.
Tier Lists are allowed
Any games can be played at LXG meetings throughout 2011 and 2012 though this is not compulsory, you can playe xtra games out of session if you like.
December – February 15 points (Must include your Battle Box)
March – May 25 points (Must include your Battle Box)
June – August 35 points (Must include your Battle Box) in this period we hope to run a 1 day tournament though CMIC (Cooinda Multiannual invitational Clash). This will be confirmed closer to the date.
September – November 50 points (Included Battle Box) may sub the Warcaster / Warlock from the battle box in this period we hope to run a 1 day tournament though LXG (League of Extraordinary Gamers)
By the end of November 2012 we should all have a painted 50 point army and possibly two 35 point lists suitable for tournament play.
1 point per game (Per person played) includes both inside and outside the campaign is
1 point for playing the game with a fully painted force (all games count)
1 point per win (all games count)
The goal of B.B.B. is to learn the in-and-outs of a new faction for WM and Hordes and paint some great models – finish the League with a great looking 50 point army or even two playable 35 point list armies and most important have fun playing games. (Taken verbatim from getbehindmedicegods)