Friday, 17 August 2012

A Couple of finished minis

Ive nearly finished the yella team and the Grots. I'll post a few guys now but the rest can wait till I do the bases.

So here is Grotsmasha

The Boss Grot Cpt Squig Snotto (Name to be changed)

One of the spannas

The next one is the boy with the magnet arm.

And a couple of grots
I want to make my own bases close to the original GoMo bases so I can fit more grots on the cuttas.
Next project is to build a trukk for the yellow team. I thinking big ute or some CAT machine.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

The Yellow team

As I said in the previous post I will be doing 4 GoMo mobs. The Grots (Green) Morkas (Yellow) Gorkas(Red and with bikes) and Diggas (Blue) If I do a fifth team it will be muties and they will be orange I guess.

So here are the few guys Ive started.

The Nob. Grotbasha the 2nd (The first one died damn low roll on the recovery chart)

Next up a couple of Spannas and a boy

Ive had a few boy get arm replacements. rather than modelling them permanently I decided to magnatise them so they can also be used as normal boys in later games.
With power claw

Cutta Arm
With Cutta.

I will do a range of mods as I also have a yoof with a shoota arm.

I hope to have these guys finished in a few days.

The Grot Mob

As I'm back at work now I decided to work on the mobs. So I wont get any paint on the Cuttas till I get back home.

Im going for the pirate theme for the Grots to fit in with the boats. I will do up about 20ish Grots including 5 snots as I seem to go through them pretty quick. I will probably just leave them fairly generic with minimal mods. I think I will build a card for each grot with all his stat much like warmachine.

So here is the crew so far.

The Captain. I think I'll call him Cpt Squid Beard but then I'd have to sculpt a beard (As you can see my sculting isnt that good) So I will leave him unnammed at the moment.
Im thinking of also giving him a Squig Parrot.

Next up is the Banna Wava. He'll get the same treatment as the Capt.

Here are a few of the crew. They will also get a bit more pirate stuff sculpted to them.

And a few Snots. These were like 2nd edition metals. Ive replaced the heads but need to do a bit of work to blend them in.
I should have them done in a day or two and then to get paint on them. I want to do a total of 4 mobs so they will be red yellow blue and green. The Grots will be Kahki with red trim so they are basically my Green team. The current ork mob are yellow. Im trying to do the paint jobs quickly so they will mostly be painted with washes.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Cutta and Lugga

I got myself one of those hole punches I see alot of people with to use as a rivet maker. So I went to town with it making the two Cuttas I will need. Here are a couple of bad pics of them. No wips as I was too busy to take any

The two of them together. They can hold 6 but 4 fit comfortably.
I think the mast is too big so I might swap it out. Not sure what to make the saile out of. Maybe light cloth.

I have made all the moving bits work so the boom will swing around and the steering turns a rear skid.
You mught see the bits on the boom and floor. Not sure what they are called but I will add ropes to it so I can make the boom move. I will also have ropes for the sails as well so they can be raised or lowered
 The mast is damaged to reflect the damage done on the last game I have. Damn Mutie guns take em out every time.

The big lugga with a bit of paint on it. Going for a russian type look so Kaki and red.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Ork Trakk

So this was origanilly going to be my trukk and I had converted a Kopta to be a trakk. But after a bit of research I realised that most people were under a misunderstanding like myself that a trak was a small vehicle that had room only for a gunner. In the rulez it states that a trak weighs more than a trukk and therefore can only move 5 inches when thrusting. The only way this would make sense is if the trakk was the size of a trukk but with catapillar treads instead of wheeels hence the weigh increase.

If they ever do a second edition I hope this gets cleared up. So anyway here is a WIP of the track. It needs the front end finished and the gunners location fixed and maybe a few extra bits like fuel tanks then the jobs a guddin.

Im not a mechanic and dont know mych about engines but hopefully this one will look the goods.
Needs some pipes coming out of it tho.

The engine in the trakk. Definitely needs pipes.

I will have full roll cages everywhere I just ran out of tubing. More on order from ebay

A comparison shot of the Trakk and Big Lugga. As you can see the Lugga got away from me.
The trak is actually about an inch longer in the tray than the GW trukk.

So this will do for a few days. Hopefully after the weekend I will have Paint on them and they will be finished so I can do up a few more bikes and work on a couple of smaller buggies.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Big Lugga build nearly finished

Just few small things to add to this and Im done. A figure head (I might wait till I have a game and see if I capture and ork or something). Stearing wheel and port holes and some rope and nettings. I also want trophies hanging of it but will do that after painting. The color scheme for this one will be like my khador minis. I like the idea of cam green with red stars.

Anyway here tis for now.

As you will probably guess this this is pretty big. Much bigger than the trak Im building. I can probably use it as a trukk if I needed a spare one. I intend to build 4 mobs in total.

The other side. You may not make it out but there are two holes in the front for rope to attach to the front skids for steering.
Old Kopta blades for the egine. I was going to make a working motor but as the body is foam I decided a hot motor sitting inside foam might be a very bad idea.
A pick of the poop deck. Just needs a steering wheel and its done. Also you can see the door leading to the engine room.
So my next post for this guy will be in a few days maybe a week when I hope to have paint on it.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Size creep Arrrggg

Size creep sux. Whether your sculting or whether your scratch building a big lugga.

 Now Big is a relative term and in the form of Lugga it just means bigga than a cutta. Well in this case my big lugga has become twice the size of an oversized Ork trukk. So I decided to remove some bits to bring it back to scale. Its still huge but with a 20% reduction it doesnt look too silly now.

Rather than add a new post I'll just put an update in here. This has been interesting. From a simple lugga its got bigger than ben hur. As I hope to build a much more intricate one for my Warmachine faction I will definitely plan that one much better.

So my big lugga is mostly done now. Just need railings on the Aft deck and a railing in the middle then hide all the holes. Then it needs some skids and a steering system and then just decos that I will do as I play.

Also need a big propella here to drive the boat. I have a spare set of Kopta blades that I will use for that. Also need to finish the window frame.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Big Lugga update

Doing a few bits for the big lugga. Ive been working on the Forcastle (Focsal) I will magnetise the splater gun in case I change my mind and put a twin linked in there. Also as its so big I might even use it as a trukk one day.

The Focsal. I will put some scrap metal to protect the grots and make it look more Goblinie.
Im planning on a figure head as well just not sure what yet. Maybe a tied up orc.

A few pics of the Splatter gun. It actually woks. Im going to magnatise it once im finished building it.

I have a few squigs laying around so I might have a grot trying to load one in. I also want to make a trigger devise for it so I can load it and use it during the game.

Monday, 16 July 2012

GorkaMorka update

Here is a quick update of the Grot Big Lugga. Most of the plating is done then all the pretty stuff will be left to do. Im going to use a set of skids for this one witha giant fan out the back for propulsion.

A few GorkaMorka House rules by Ogrebane

Ive been trolling the web for additional rules for GorkaMorka (Why we are never happy with the original rules I'll never know but like the engineers say if it aint broke it needs more features).

I compiled a heap of them into one document which I wont put here I'll leave a link for you to follow and have a look. Anyway Eddie wanted to run a Battle wagon as he had built one for 40k so that sparked my initial search as well as the fact I had bought a heap of orks and had 9 Koptas to do something with. A few I will convert to bikes but I would also like to have a Kopta in GoMo. So here are the rules for that I can up with as well as a few others I put together.


Heres a Link to Mek Town. A lot of good stuff here.
 He also has links to other sites but most of them dont work.        <<<< Mek Town >>>>

Koptas and Wokkas :                                                                <Kotas and Wokkas link>

Painboyz:                                                                                          Still working on it

Koptas and Wokkas

Deth Koptas

Deth Kopta.       15 points
The Deth Kopta is Dregmeck Blitzkart’s latest invention. This flying machine will revolutionize warfare as the Orks know it, or so the Mek’s sales pitch claims. Roaring through the air, it certainly is a stirring sight, but most Orks prefer to have both feet firmly planted on the ground and only the most insane of ork spannas are brave enough to fly this potential death trap!

Except where noted below, the Deth Kopta is treated exactly like a bike for movement, shooting, being shot at and so on (think of the wheel/track hit location as ‘wurly bits’). The Deth Copta needs a spanner in order to maintain this vehicle. As the Kopta is so complex the spanner may only maintain the Kopta and will pilot it himself.

During its movement the Deth Kopta flies over any models or terrain no higher than 6” tall. If it moves into a piece of terrain taller than 6” it will collide as normal. Whilst flying, the Deth Kopta cannot ram or be rammed, be hoarded or otherwise have warriors moving on or off it. If the Deth Kopta is immobilized, for any reason, it will crash to the ground and take D3 damage, from then on it may he rammed and boarded just like any other immobilized vehicle. If the Deth Kopta fails a Thrust test, roll on the Thruster Buster Chart as normal and also on the Kopta Thruster Buster Table.

                                                                      Kopta Thruster Buster Table.
        D6                                                                                  Result
          1                  Stall! The Deth Kopta soars into the air before plunging to the ground with a
                              crash. It takes 1D6 damage just as if it had been involved in a collision.
          2                  Krunch! The Deth Kopta skids along the ground and takes 1D3 damage just
                              as if it had been involved in a crash. The Deth Kopta will collide or crash with
                              any vehicle or terrain it moves over during its random move.
          3                  Skreech! The Deth Kopta barely stays aloft and if it moves over a vehicle or
                               terrain during its random move it will crash or collide as normal.
          4+                Phew! The Deth Kopta moves erratically but stays airborne and is otherwise

The Deth Kopta is not powerful enough to carry anyone except the pilot and so never has any crew. This means that if the mob is split into separate reinforcement groups because of the scenario being played, the Deth Kopta and its mad Spanna pilot will always be in a group on its own. Nobody else would ever dream of flying the Deth Kopta, so you cannot have one of your warriors challenge the Spanna for the position of driver.

Kustomisin: Between battles, the spanna will patch up any damage done to the Deth Kopta. If you need upgrades or repairs tho you will have to find a Mek who will work on the Kopta. Roll a D6 and on a roll of 4+ the local Mek will give it a go.
The Mek can perform one kustomisin’ job on the Deth Kopta after each game. As this is a new type of craft tho there will be a -1 modifier to his rolls on the Big Day Roll.

Special Gubbins.
Sky Hook:   5 teef
The sky hook is a hook on a whinch attached to the Def Kopta to pick up scrap. This enables the Kopta to pick up scrap without having to land. If the Deth Kopta finishes its turn with 2” of a scrap marker it may pick it up the next turn and make a normal move. As operating the winch takes a lot of carefull maneuvering the pilot cannot shoot that turn.

The sky hook can only carry one piece of scrap so cannot be used again if it is already carrying a piece of scrap. If the sky hook is hit on a roll of a 4+ it will drop the scrap it is carrying.  As with all gubbins on a roll of a 4+ this piece will be destroyed.

Double Wokka

Double Wokka.     25 points

Following the Deth Kopta’s success some of the Meks made a few Kustomisations to the Kopta. In order to carry more boys the Double Wokka was produced. This mad Kontrapshun has two or more rotary blades and can carry up to 4 crew including the pilot. As Orks cant count more than 1 more than 1 they call it a double Wokka no matter how many blades it has.

Except where noted below, the Double Wokka is treated exactly like a truck for movement, shooting, being shot at and so on (think of the wheel/track hit location as ‘wurly bits’). The Wokka needs a spanner in order to maintain this vehicle. As the Wokka is so complex the spanner may only maintain the Wokka and will pilot it himself. The Wokka can have twin linked guns mounted to shoot forward (Shoota required) or it can have the gun mounted on one side of the vehicle. In which case its 90 deg arc is from the side the gun is mounted. Like a truck the Wokka may mount 1 heavy shoota etc.

During its movement the Wokka flies over any models or terrain no higher than 6” tall. If it moves into a piece of terrain taller than 6” it will collide as normal. Whilst flying, the Wokka cannot ram or be rammed, be hoarded or otherwise have warriors moving on or off it. If the Wokka is immobilized, for any reason, it will crash to the ground and take D3 + 1 damage, from then on it may he rammed and boarded just like any other immobilized vehicle. If the Wokka fails a Thrust test, roll on the Thruster Buster Chart as normal and also on the Kopta Thruster Buster Table.

Nobody else would ever dream of flying the Wokkata, so you cannot have one of your warriors challenge the Spanna for the position of driver.

Kustomisin: Between battles, the spanna will patch up any damage done to the Wokka. If you need upgrades or repairs tho you will have to find a Mek who will work on the Wokka. Roll a D6 and on a roll of 4+ the local Mek will give it a go.

The Mek can perform one kustomisin’ job on the Deth Kopta after each game. As this is a new type of craft tho there will be a -1 modifier to his rolls on the Big Day Roll.

Special Gubbins.
Sky Hook:   5 teef
The sky hook is a hook on a winch attached to the Wokka to pick up scrap. This enables the Kopta to pick up scrap without having to land. If the Deth Kopta finishes its turn with 2” of a scrap marker it may pick it up the next turn and make a normal move. As operating the winch takes a lot of careful maneuvering the pilot cannot shoot that turn. If a crew member is available the he can load the scrap into the Wokka. From then on the crew member will become the Loadie and will have to be fought in order to give up his position. He will become a permanent member of the Wokka crew. Only 1 piece of scrap can be loaded per turn. The Sky hook can also be used to raise or lower crew to the ground. Only one crew member can be raised/ lowered per turn.

The sky hook can only carry one piece of scrap so cannot be used again if it is already carrying a piece of scrap, unless the loadie has loaded the scrap in which case it is free to be used again. If the sky hook is hit on a roll of a 4+ it will drop the scrap it is carrying.  As with all gubbins on a roll of a 4+ this piece will be destroyed.

Back with some new Stuff.

So Cancon didnt go so well. Lost 7 straight games so decided not to play the last day. So I havent really done much to my Khador army. Painted a butcher and 3 MOW bombardiers Ill load some pics if I can find them.

Anyway been palying with a few things like scenery etc but of late I have become interested in GorkaMorka.

So I have a few wips Ill load up and some house rules I'll post


GorkaMorka Wips

Boss bike

Std Mod of a ABR Kopta. Im going to use the skid idea as the theme for one of the GoMo mobs as you can see in the Trukk and Trak

Trukk: GrotSquisha

Trak: GrotSmasha

And just for fun and as a practice for my upcoming warmachine army I am making a Large Clippa for a Grot Mob. Can you guess which warmachine army Im going.
More later. I have a few boize painted. Im trying a wash painting aproach to see how that works.


Sunday, 8 January 2012

50pts painted now to basing

Still not sure about the bases for this army. I want an urban base theme but how to do it alludes me atm.

Anyway I have painted a full 50pts now. The winter gaurd need some prettying up, like faces finished but they are good enough to take to a tourney now. I will do alittle more work on them as time permits. Ive also done a quick paint job on torch (Not my torch I will build a heavily modded version if he palys well) Also a couple of mechanics are near done as well. Once again a few small details to finish but good enough for now.

Winter gaurd with Yoseph. I left a few at home but a unit of 10 with command are done.

The worst thing about digital cameras is they show up mistakes I cant see with my own eyes. I will do alittle more work on the faces tho.

My version of torch. Needs some battle damage and more highlifhgts and shading but he willdo the job for now.

I hope to do some basing this week so stay tuned.