Deth Koptas
Deth Kopta. 15 points
The Deth Kopta is Dregmeck Blitzkart’s latest invention. This flying machine will revolutionize warfare as the Orks know it, or so the Mek’s sales pitch claims. Roaring through the air, it certainly is a stirring sight, but most Orks prefer to have both feet firmly planted on the ground and only the most insane of ork spannas are brave enough to fly this potential death trap!
Except where noted below, the Deth Kopta is treated exactly like a bike for movement, shooting, being shot at and so on (think of the wheel/track hit location as ‘wurly bits’). The Deth Copta needs a spanner in order to maintain this vehicle. As the Kopta is so complex the spanner may only maintain the Kopta and will pilot it himself.
During its movement the Deth Kopta flies over any models or terrain no higher than 6” tall. If it moves into a piece of terrain taller than 6” it will collide as normal. Whilst flying, the Deth Kopta cannot ram or be rammed, be hoarded or otherwise have warriors moving on or off it. If the Deth Kopta is immobilized, for any reason, it will crash to the ground and take D3 damage, from then on it may he rammed and boarded just like any other immobilized vehicle. If the Deth Kopta fails a Thrust test, roll on the Thruster Buster Chart as normal and also on the Kopta Thruster Buster Table.
Kopta Thruster Buster Table.
D6 Result
1 Stall! The Deth Kopta soars into the air before plunging to the ground with a
crash. It takes 1D6 damage just as if it had been involved in a collision.
2 Krunch! The Deth Kopta skids along the ground and takes 1D3 damage just
as if it had been involved in a crash. The Deth Kopta will collide or crash with
any vehicle or terrain it moves over during its random move.
3 Skreech! The Deth Kopta barely stays aloft and if it moves over a vehicle or
terrain during its random move it will crash or collide as normal.
4+ Phew! The Deth Kopta moves erratically but stays airborne and is otherwise
The Deth Kopta is not powerful enough to carry anyone except the pilot and so never has any crew. This means that if the mob is split into separate reinforcement groups because of the scenario being played, the Deth Kopta and its mad Spanna pilot will always be in a group on its own. Nobody else would ever dream of flying the Deth Kopta, so you cannot have one of your warriors challenge the Spanna for the position of driver.
Kustomisin: Between battles, the spanna will patch up any damage done to the Deth Kopta. If you need upgrades or repairs tho you will have to find a Mek who will work on the Kopta. Roll a D6 and on a roll of 4+ the local Mek will give it a go.
The Mek can perform one kustomisin’ job on the Deth Kopta after each game. As this is a new type of craft tho there will be a -1 modifier to his rolls on the Big Day Roll.
Special Gubbins.
Sky Hook: 5 teef
The sky hook is a hook on a whinch attached to the Def Kopta to pick up scrap. This enables the Kopta to pick up scrap without having to land. If the Deth Kopta finishes its turn with 2” of a scrap marker it may pick it up the next turn and make a normal move. As operating the winch takes a lot of carefull maneuvering the pilot cannot shoot that turn.
The sky hook can only carry one piece of scrap so cannot be used again if it is already carrying a piece of scrap. If the sky hook is hit on a roll of a 4+ it will drop the scrap it is carrying. As with all gubbins on a roll of a 4+ this piece will be destroyed.
Double Wokka
Double Wokka. 25 points
Following the Deth Kopta’s success some of the Meks made a few Kustomisations to the Kopta. In order to carry more boys the Double Wokka was produced. This mad Kontrapshun has two or more rotary blades and can carry up to 4 crew including the pilot. As Orks cant count more than 1 more than 1 they call it a double Wokka no matter how many blades it has.
Except where noted below, the Double Wokka is treated exactly like a truck for movement, shooting, being shot at and so on (think of the wheel/track hit location as ‘wurly bits’). The Wokka needs a spanner in order to maintain this vehicle. As the Wokka is so complex the spanner may only maintain the Wokka and will pilot it himself. The Wokka can have twin linked guns mounted to shoot forward (Shoota required) or it can have the gun mounted on one side of the vehicle. In which case its 90 deg arc is from the side the gun is mounted. Like a truck the Wokka may mount 1 heavy shoota etc.
During its movement the Wokka flies over any models or terrain no higher than 6” tall. If it moves into a piece of terrain taller than 6” it will collide as normal. Whilst flying, the Wokka cannot ram or be rammed, be hoarded or otherwise have warriors moving on or off it. If the Wokka is immobilized, for any reason, it will crash to the ground and take D3 + 1 damage, from then on it may he rammed and boarded just like any other immobilized vehicle. If the Wokka fails a Thrust test, roll on the Thruster Buster Chart as normal and also on the Kopta Thruster Buster Table.
Nobody else would ever dream of flying the Wokkata, so you cannot have one of your warriors challenge the Spanna for the position of driver.
Kustomisin: Between battles, the spanna will patch up any damage done to the Wokka. If you need upgrades or repairs tho you will have to find a Mek who will work on the Wokka. Roll a D6 and on a roll of 4+ the local Mek will give it a go.
The Mek can perform one kustomisin’ job on the Deth Kopta after each game. As this is a new type of craft tho there will be a -1 modifier to his rolls on the Big Day Roll.
Special Gubbins.
Sky Hook: 5 teef
The sky hook is a hook on a winch attached to the Wokka to pick up scrap. This enables the Kopta to pick up scrap without having to land. If the Deth Kopta finishes its turn with 2” of a scrap marker it may pick it up the next turn and make a normal move. As operating the winch takes a lot of careful maneuvering the pilot cannot shoot that turn. If a crew member is available the he can load the scrap into the Wokka. From then on the crew member will become the Loadie and will have to be fought in order to give up his position. He will become a permanent member of the Wokka crew. Only 1 piece of scrap can be loaded per turn. The Sky hook can also be used to raise or lower crew to the ground. Only one crew member can be raised/ lowered per turn.
The sky hook can only carry one piece of scrap so cannot be used again if it is already carrying a piece of scrap, unless the loadie has loaded the scrap in which case it is free to be used again. If the sky hook is hit on a roll of a 4+ it will drop the scrap it is carrying. As with all gubbins on a roll of a 4+ this piece will be destroyed.